Thursday, April 10, 2008

The Price of Admission

What could be more relaxing at this time of year than a vacation? A family vacation. To Orlando. In theme parks. With in-laws...

We just got back from a family trip to Orlando with Allison's family. That town stands as a bastion of capitalism. Swamp land transformed into acre after acre of theme parks - each packed with thousands upon thousands of people. You can almost hear the cash being consumed - it's a dull whooshing sound starting at your back pocket, and heading out. It resonates not only from you, but from all of those around you. The entire GDP of Canada run through Visa every day.[1]

If you want to go to play in the Mouse's House, you have to pay the price. In our family's case (being cheap Mennonites and all) the price was probably $400 with a meal and a few little souvenirs.[2] But tens of millions of people do it each year. You see - if you want to have the big league fun, you have to pay the Price of Admission.

The key to enjoying Disney World is forgetting what you left at the gate. That is old news. It's your old life. Your new life takes place within the gates. Enjoy the sparkling, clean scenery. The complete lack of litter. Marvel at the attention to detail as you wait in endless lineups for rides that amaze. Watch the eyes of the children light up as they get to meet Mickey and Minnie in person. It's a whole new world, and it's only available to those who have paid the Price of Admission.

The fastest way to wreck this whole experience is to look into that back section of your wallet at the receipts. Grumbling about how much it cost once you've already gone in only shatters the magic, and brings you down. You're inside, and Mickey doesn't like to give refunds. So, my fellow Magic Kingdom adventurers, keep your chin up and make the most of it. There's rich experiences in the offing, and living in the past will only make you gloomy.

When you sit down and think about it, life is kind of like that. Everything has a price. Sometimes it's money, sometimes it's time. Other times, the price is pain and sorrow. Sometimes we choose, and sometimes it is chosen for us. But whatever the circumstance, things only seem to get worse when you focus on what you left at the gate. Life's rich experiences await those who have paid, and who are willing to enter with their eyes wide open. And they're only for those who have paid the Price of Admission. So stop whining about the cost - it's old news. Open your eyes to the wonders around you. Live life in the theme park you're in for all that you are worth.

The Price of Admission. There's yet another angle to consider - the heavenly dimension. Who can relate to someone in pain better than someone else who has been through it? Who can share God's love with the suffering better than those who are right there in the trenches too? How much more powerful is the love and compassion of a friend who has suffered the same loss? If we want to be the hands and feet of Jesus, we need to pay the Price of Admission - whatever it might be.

Me? I'm looking forward to the fireworks.

[1] Statistic completely made up, but you get the point.
[2] Just under $300 for admission alone. Per day!

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