Thursday, February 3, 2005

The End of the World (As We Know It)

Have you ever wondered what kind of sound is made when your world comes crashing down? Me neither - but I can certainly recognize the sound now.

We got a call from the doctor today. He was "on his way home" from the office, and "about 4 minutes away". Would it be ok if he "dropped by" to give us some test results? It's a good thing we keep parts of the house messy for occasions like this. We had 4 minutes of mad cleaning instead of 4 minutes of fear and dread.

We were expecting bad news. Doug had been having balance problems, and we suspected some sort of earish related bad news. Surgery maybe.

This was worse. Much worse.

After a preamble that I really didn't listen to, I picked up the words Muscular Dystrophy. I don't know much more than the name of it, but it sounds bad. That's when I heard the sound of the world crashing down. Everything I had planned for life was now turned upside down. My mind pretty much shut itself down on overload. My whole being went numb, and I began to shake like a leaf. THIS I was not prepared for. How can you be?

I'm thankful for a doctor that cares. I can't imagine going to his office and hearing this news. I can't imagine trying to drive home afterwards. I can't imagine much anymore.

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