Thursday, April 21, 2005


Well, it seems the medical community has caught up to us.

For the first few months we were abandoned. Left to drift aimlessly in the land of "your son has been diagnosed..." We got the bombshell of a diagnosis, and then floated around "waiting for referrals". We were pretty much ignored by the system.

Now, it appears, our referrals have all gone through. We have appointments with doctors, with specialists, with labs for more tests, with support services, with support groups, and even our dentist is getting in on it. (Although in truth, they really just sort of do this thing every 6 months, and can't be blamed) We've gone from standing in a deep dark cave all alone to the bottom of a medical dog-pile. And would you believe that each one has it's own set of forms to fill out? Don't these people talk to each other? It doesn't seem to matter how many pens we use up, there's always another form.

How long does this continue? Will we be going to a doctor every week now? This is completely foriegn to me. I'm a "once a decade" doctor visitor. I'd put it on the list of questions to ask the doctor, but we're getting so many of those lists, I'll probably end up asking the dentist - who will simply tell me to call them in six months. You know what? I'm beginning to like the dentist's schedule...

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