Sunday, August 19, 2007

A Doug Moment

Every once in a while, something completely innocuous reminds me of Doug, and the challenges we face. I call these "Doug Moments". They are (generally) brief moments in time where our life situation strikes me deeply to the core.

Today I had another one.

I was "working out" in the hotel gym. (no that's not a typo) As I was resting in between exercises (as one my age tends to do more and more) I was telling myself that I really should take a few days off from all this exercise stuff. After all, what I'm really doing is tearing my muscles up, and I need to wait for my body to rebuild them. Then, I'll look just like Ah-nold.

It hit me then right in my gut. Doug's muscles don't rebuild the same way mine do. His break down, not build up. And there's not a bloody thing that I can do about it.

And for a few minutes there, life really sucked.


Peter said...

I can connect with a "Doug moment". Forgive me if I substitute Doug for Carol. And yes, then life sucks, sometimes for longer than a moment.

Theresa said...

Ah - I'm so sorry that moment came when you were away from family and friends.